How it Works

Photos are stored in Galleries that can be accessed from the Galleries tab in the top menu, or from the Galleries link in the left column of the Home page.

All the photos in each Gallery are displayed as thumbnails. By hovering your cursor over a thumbnail, a larger image in a floating window will open. To view the photo at largest size, click on the thumbnail and the photo will open on its own page.


Regrettably it is no longer possible to buy and download photos in one seamless operation because the payment processor no longer works. It's a long story and I won't bore you with software details!
As a workaround, I've created an automatic discount code that reduces the cost of your order to zero. This allows you to add photos to your shopping cart and at the checkout stage, the discount is automatically applied. To limit abuse of this offer, please note that a maximum of 15 images (a US$30 value) can be ordered per transaction. See STEP BY STEP below.

It's then a matter of trust and entirely up to you to pay for your order using PayPal. All I suggest is that, if you are going to sell your art or otherwise benefit from it, you make a small payment/donation of $1 or $2 per image (I used to charge $2 per photo). You can do this using PayPal, sent to my PayPal email address:
To order a photo, click on the "DOWNLOAD" button below the large version of the photo. This automatically opens a pop-up window with the details of the image. If you're happy with everything, simply click on the "ADD TO CART" button.

You can at any stage check what's in your cart by clicking on the small cart icon at the top right of the page (to the far right of the Search Box), then scrolling down and clicking on "View Cart".  Here you can remove any images you don't want and update the cart.

IMPORTANT: It’s also at this stage that the Discount Code is automatically applied - there is no need for you to enter anything. Once the discount code has been applied and the cost of the order shows as zero, click on the green CHECKOUT button. To limit abuse of this offer, please DO NOT order more than 15 images (a $30 value) in a single transaction.

The final step is to enter a valid email address, accept the Purchase Agreement and hit the CHECKOUT button again. The order gets processed and a new page pops up with small thumbnails of the ordered pics. Because the transaction has to be manually approved (in a bid to limit people downloading a hundred or more images as has been happening), it will be in "Pending" status. You will also receive a confirmation email sent to the address you provided. showing the status as "Pending". Immediately the order is approved you'll receive a follow-up email with a link to the download page from where you can download all the images ordered. Sorry for this extra step, but without manual approval, it's possible that an unscrupulous person could download many hundreds of images for who knows what purpose.


When buying photos, you will need to accept the Purchase Agreement. This is not an overly complex legal document; rather it sets out clearly how downloaded images can be used. Click here to view now or you can click on the Purchase Agreement link at the foot of each page.


When buying photos from this website, you are not buying the actual photo, but rather a license to use the photo in certain ways. The terms of the license are essentially the same as those set out in the Purchase Agreement. You can view the full license here or by clicking on the Art Reference License link at the foot of each page.

The main purpose of the Art Reference License is to prove you have the right to use photos purchased and downloaded as reference for your artwork. It is becoming customary to require such proof when selling artwork or entering competitions.You can print out a copy of the license if you need to show anyone that you have the right to use the reference photo(s). Should you ever need additional proof, please contact me with details and I will send you a customized, signed version that applies to the photo(s) in question. 
Please also see FAQ for additional information about this site.